Ankorstore /  Lazy Heroes

Lazy Heroes

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Mindestbestellwert €100

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  • Gegründet im Jahr 2023
It used to be clear to all of us what “heroic” was: real heroes who simply did what most of us would never dare to do. We think it's time to look at a different kind of hero. Everyday Heroes. Lazy Heroes.

Those who prefer “less is more” – i.e. have fewer to-dos, need less, consume less. The ones that make us feel like it's okay to be pretty normal sometimes. And not always just in a super hero way.

Maybe they're secret black belts in power napping. Or fashion visionaries who manage to continually merge their minimalist winter wardrobe and summer wardrobe to create new looks. They are the ones who can always conjure up a complete meal - regardless of what is still in the fridge. Those who have truly internalized the secret of work-life balance. Lazy Heroes have realized that “checked off” is usually much better than “perfect”.

Above all, a Lazy Hero knows that life is not just about milestones and goals. We don't have to squeeze 100% out of this life every day - how exhausting that would be. And how boring. Sometimes just a little action is enough. After all, you can really overdo it with this carpe diem thing, the daily grind, the early bird. Who says you always have to be #1? It's much better when you realize with satisfaction that you can be pretty good every now and then. In any case, we are for more lazy life. For a little deceleration and “keep it simple”. As a brand, we are more interested in taking a short break every now and then to enjoy it all. Sometimes it just smells too good along the way.
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