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Studio Kolor

Versendet Bestellungen zwischen 11 und 20 Tagen

Mehrere Marken gleichzeitig bestellen; Frei-Haus-Grenze ab €300.00

  • Gegründet im Jahr 2011
Instagram kolorstudio
We chose the name kolor because it means diversity and variety, two words that also best describe our work. kolor can be anything: every colour, every thing. We felt drawn to work in a field of variety, big or small. At the moment we focus on all day life objects, like accessories and small furniture. We like it colourful and also a bit playful, it has to be always minimalistic and functional. We believe that, small or large, all items are important and don’t like to limit ourselves by size or theme. Most of our ideas focus on optimizing products that already exist; things we like and need but which require improvement in form or function. Our principles are to create products that are functional at their core and are simple and durable, preferably organic, always produced in Germany and if possible in our local region.
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