⚡️ Versand in weniger als 48 Std.
100 €
Mehrere Marken gleichzeitig bestellen; Frei-Haus-Grenze ab 300,00 €
We stand for sustainable and fair products in ECO design.
Fair trade, fair cooperation and fair partnerships are very important to us!
We take customer proximity and satisfaction very seriously.
We are a small family team and our headquarters are in the municipality of Guteneck, in Bavaria.
Our village shop, warehouse and offices are located in an old farm from 1803.
Sustainable products are our passion.
#biobay_de #nachhaltigleben #nachhaltig #nachhaltigkeit #bio #nachhaltigeronlineshop #onlineshopping #ökologisch #öko #green #grün #langlebig #innovation