Ankorstore /  Die Panther

Die Panther

Versendet Bestellungen zwischen 3 und 5 Tagen

Mehrere Marken gleichzeitig bestellen; Frei-Haus-Grenze ab 300,00 €

  • Gegründet im Jahr 2019
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Dear customers, colleagues and business partners:

We would like to take this opportunity to share with you our motivation, philosophy and goals when founding Panther and to present our vision for the future of the company.

Ever since we were founded, we have invested time in promising, future-oriented and innovative companies, products, concepts and ideas. Our drive is the urge to challenge the status quo and offer better alternatives. It doesn't matter in which markets, because we see ourselves as generalists.

We don't want to be a conventional company and we don't want to become one. You can always expect us to take on projects that are very speculative or even seem odd compared to the market. From the beginning we have strived to do more to make things happen.

Since 2021 we have been supporting companies that focus on the problems of our time. In particular, the rapidly increasing climate change and the massive environmental pollution from plastics, for example, are important to us. Panther has an international network for the implementation of sustainable projects worldwide. This is what we stand for, this is our drive and our vision.

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