Ankorstore /  Baby- und Kinderspielzeug /  DUCKSHOP /  Badeente Beefeater-Duck Gummiente
Badeente Beefeater-Duck  Gummiente

Badeente Beefeater-Duck Gummiente

The Beefeaters are sentinels of the Tower of London and tasked with protecting the Tower and its art treasures. Dressed in traditional uniforms, the Beefeaters are known for their red jackets and peacock feather hats. They also have long pointed shoes and a gun which they carry as part of their uniform accessories. The Beefeaters guide tourists through the Tower and tell them interesting stories about the Tower's history and importance. They are also responsible for security in the tower and control who has access to the different areas. The Beefeaters are a well-known and popular attraction in London and a symbol of the city's history and traditions. Measurements: L: 9cm W: 8cm H: 8cm Squeak hole: no Swims upright: No Material: vinyl Age recommendation: For children from 18 months

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