Ankorstore /  Baby- und Kinderspielzeug /  DUCKSHOP /  Herr Bert - Straßenreiniger Bert - Stressball - Knautschfigur
Herr Bert - Straßenreiniger Bert - Stressball - Knautschfigur

Herr Bert - Straßenreiniger Bert - Stressball - Knautschfigur

Street cleaner Bert makes sure that public streets, squares and parks remain clean and tidy, ensures that waste is disposed of properly and also takes care of reducing stress - simply "scrunch up" for this, the material properties return the product to its original shape a. - stress ball - Also suitable for dexterity and motor skills training - Dimensions: L: 5.5cm W: 7cm H: 10cm - Material: PU foam - Age recommendation: For children from 36 months

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