Ankorstore /  Baby- und Kinderspielzeug /  DUCKSHOP /  Plüschtier Nashorn Leif Stofftier - Schmusetier
Plüschtier Nashorn Leif  Stofftier - Schmusetier

Plüschtier Nashorn Leif Stofftier - Schmusetier

Plush rhino Leif - the gentle pachyderm, always ready to cuddle! Our rhino Leif, with his big, bright eyes and the typical horn on his nose - which is of course also cuddly soft - invites you to cuddle with outstretched arms. Gentle as he is, he always wants to cuddle and thanks to the cuddly plush he is a funny little fellow who likes to be hugged and cuddled. Dimensions: L: 12cm W: 14cm H: 14.5cm Material: polyester Filling: polyester fibers Age recommendation: For children from 18 months

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