Ankorstore /  Baby- und Kinderspielzeug /  DUCKSHOP /  Plüschtier Pferd Claudia Stofftier - Schmusetier
Plüschtier Pferd Claudia  Stofftier - Schmusetier

Plüschtier Pferd Claudia Stofftier - Schmusetier

Zoo animal horse Claudia is made of super soft plush. The big googly eyes and the cuddly soft plush invite you to cozy cuddle times. Our horse Claudia is red-brown, with a shaggy mane and black hooves. extremely cuddly, she is always looking for wild adventures, very curious and eager to explore, but she also likes to take breaks for cuddles. Dimensions: L: 20cm W: 16cm H: 16cm Material: polyester Filling: polyester fibers Age recommendation: For children from 18 months

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