Ankorstore /  Baby- und Kinderspielzeug /  DUCKSHOP /  Schmoozies Elch - Displayreiniger - Unterseite Mikrofaser
Schmoozies Elch - Displayreiniger - Unterseite Mikrofaser

Schmoozies Elch - Displayreiniger - Unterseite Mikrofaser

Schmoozies® XXL moose, the ball animal, underside made of microfibre is versatile. The Schmoozies XXL (approx. 12 cm) are now available for an even larger selection. Like the spherical animals, these are also made of high-quality, cuddly soft plush. The underside is made of microfiber for cleaning smooth surfaces. - Dimensions: L: 14cm W: 9.5cm H: 10cm - Material: plush bottom microfiber - Age recommendation: For children from 18 months

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