⚡️ Versand in weniger als 48 Std.

Mindestbestellwert 100 €

Mehrere Marken gleichzeitig bestellen; Frei-Haus-Grenze ab 300,00 €

  • Gegründet im Jahr 2017
Instagram focx_wallet
About five years ago, we started looking for a wallet that, at the time, did not exist. The idea was to make it a minimal and functional while, at the same time, including some technical features and – most importantly – making its owners proud due to the uniqueness of its design.

Throughout the research and benchmarking period, we bought and cut up dozens of wallets, interviewed wallet buyers, and analyzed their comments, resulting in three features we have managed to successfully integrate into our work. An aspect we have found particularly important is the harmonious and purposeful combination of both shape and function. The product we have managed to develop during many a sleepless night and countless trials and errors are making us very proud and we are pretty sure to have found the perfect wallet.