Ankorstore /  Haus & Küche /  GEFU


Versendet Bestellungen zwischen 6 und 10 Tagen

Mindestbestellwert 100 €

Mehrere Marken gleichzeitig bestellen; Frei-Haus-Grenze ab 300,00 €

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GEFU is one of Germany's leading success brands in the kitchen. We have an attractive, versatile range which convinces with its clear concept with individual product ranges covering every conceivable kitchen need: there's nothing that hasn't been thought of.

The GEFU collection now covers more than 600 high-quality kitchen tools in 14 exciting indulgence and theme worlds.

This is where our customers and partners can find everything they need for arranging, preparing, serving and enjoying – all under one brand umbrella. We also believe in dynamic growth and are continuously expanding our product range so that we remain the strong brand that you can trust into the future.