Ankorstore /  Kosmetik & Wellness /  HanSen Ovis

HanSen Ovis

Versendet Bestellungen zwischen 3 und 5 Tagen

Mindestbestellwert 100 €

Mehrere Marken gleichzeitig bestellen; Frei-Haus-Grenze ab 300,00 €

  • Gegründet im Jahr 1992
  • Sie finden uns auch hier:
Instagram ankorstore_de
We are a family-run company with more than 25 years of history located in the Salzburg lake district.

We love soap and everything about soap! But it has to be natural, handy and of the most superb quality. We only put the richest ingredients into our soap, like Shea butter, plant oil and bio-sheep milk (Latin Ovis = sheep). Gentle and long-lasting body care is what we aim for.

Ovis was born out of the idea of offering high quality soap for the skin. We are aiming for a skin care product that can be used a couple of times a day, with as much nature as possible in it. Quality, naturalness, and practicability is what can be felt and experienced in our products.

The name Ovis is Latin for sheep. Bio-Sheep milk is what defines our soaps.

It supports and nourishes the skin for a couple of reasons:
- It is rich in nutrients and vitamins.
- It has a high fat (7.1%) and protein (5.6%) content.
- Because of the milk’s animal proteins, the skin can absorb the ingredients entirely.
- It is suitable for people with sensitive skin and skin issues.