Ankorstore /  Haus & Küche /  Himmelgrün


⚡️ Versand in weniger als 48 Std.

Mehrere Marken gleichzeitig bestellen; Frei-Haus-Grenze ab €300.00

  • Gegründet im Jahr 1998
Meaningful, valuable and real.

We are committed to real sustainable products and socially valuable management. We lovingly manufacture our products in our in-house pillow manufacture in the Bregenzerwald. With our hand-sewn and carefully filled cushions, we pay great attention to high quality and naturalness. Many hands work for Himmelgrün and we particularly appreciate the cooperation of people whose workforce does not meet the general requirements. Social commitment is a matter of course for us and humanity is also valued by us in everyday working life. For us, this means living consciously and doing sustainable business in a socially responsible manner, meaningful and valuable, just Himmelgrün.

Green together: With every purchase you support us and nature in planting new trees. Over 700 trees have already been planted, thus neutralizing 60 tons of Co2.
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