Ankorstore /  Babybekleidung & Schuhe /  Playshoes /  UV-Schutz Windelhose Dino blau/grün
UV-Schutz Windelhose Dino blau/grün

UV-Schutz Windelhose Dino blau/grün

Aqua diaper made of quick-drying material with high UV protection for hot summer days by the sea or in the pool. 

Swim nappies with elasticated waistband. 

A swim diaper prevents larger amounts of dirt from entering the pool and thus protects you from embarrassing situations. 

Safe through the summer: UPF 50+ UV protection according to EN 13758-1 tested by the Hohenstein Institute (UVKB-53603) Trust in textiles - Oeko-Tex Standard 100 Class 1 tested for harmful substances by the Hohenstein Institute (test no.:11. 

0. 86164) blue green

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