MOIRÉ DUVETS Moiré patterns are not really there, they are an optical illusion created in the image in your eye. A slight motion of one of the objects creates large-scale changes in the moiré pattern. These patterns can be used to demonstrate wave interference, but also the illusion of a three-dimensional depth in the relationship between human, object, and motion. When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? The word moiré is French (from the past participle of the verb moirer, meaning to water). The watery surface oft SCHMITD’s Duvets corresponds with the ancient idea that dreaming is floating in an unknown space. Also the SCHMITD’s Objects remind us of the displays and screen we are sourrounded by the whole day. By Breathing and Dreaming under this „Displays“ you create Images while Sleeping. This one-of-a-kind Moiré pillow is made and assembled from different dead-stock-fabrics from the schmidttakahahashi archive. The front and the back part contains 2 parts, upper part is made from a double layer of soft durable mesh. The unter part from 100% organic cotton Button closure Handcrafted in Berlin Size 50 x 50 All wear, mending and idiosyncrasies are unique to the custom textile.