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New Sunies Slide Hawaii Copper
Sunies GmbH

New Sunies Slide Hawaii Copper

New Sunies Slide Hawaii Copper:Sunies Slide Hawaii Sandals are made from renewable resources like 77% bamboo, coconut, and sugar cane fibers and 23% of recyclable PVC.Our eco-friendly Sunies slides add comfort, elegance, and feminine elements to your daily look.Easy to slip on and off, they can be worn at home, gym, pool or in your daily life activities.Size recommendation: True to size.  - All-terrain use - Waterproof - Comfortable  - Insoles absorb sweat  - Breathable - Eco-friendly - Packed with 100% recycled cotton dust bag  If you know anything about Sunies Slide you know we’re committed to combining beauty and nature therefore, eco-friendliness and sustainability are our main core motivators.

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