Ankorstore /  Nahrungsergänzung /  CLAV GmbH /  PWR | Hormone Balance for Women
PWR | Hormone Balance for Women

PWR | Hormone Balance for Women

NATURAL HORMONE BALANCE DURING PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME & PERIOD * Mood regulation through a valuable combination of nutrients * More pleasant days thanks to lady's mantle extract and monk's pepper powder * Perfect hormonal balance thanks to iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid * Covers the daily requirement of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 * Valuable combination of red clover, real sage extract, yams and Siberian rhubarb * 100% vegan with the official V-Label certificate * Free from lactose, gluten, genetic engineering and unwanted additives * Recyclable glass bottle with capsules made from plant substances * Laboratory-tested quality and bioavailability * Made in Germany Produkt ist vegan, laktose- und glutenfrei. Lagerung der Kapseln nach Möglichkeit trocken, geschützt vor direkter Sonneneinstrahlung und unzugänglich für Kinder. Made in Germany. 100% Vegan.