Ankorstore /  Baby- und Kinderspielzeug /  DUCKSHOP /  Herr Bert - Dachdecker Bert - Stressball - Knautschfigur
Herr Bert - Dachdecker Bert - Stressball - Knautschfigur

Herr Bert - Dachdecker Bert - Stressball - Knautschfigur

In a traditional outfit, he ensures that stress is combated professionally. A large black slouch hat with a wide brim is just as much a part of it as black trousers, black shoes, the Staude (white, collarless shirt) and the waistcoat with white buttons. Of course, he also has tools with him to build something for you to relax - he learns the working practices on the roller and the life experience that he needs to relax you he also acquires on the years of travel. So that there is no stress at all: Roofer Bert simply "scrunch up", the material properties mean that the product returns to its original shape. - stress ball - Also suitable for dexterity and motor skills training - Dimensions: L: 5.5cm W: 7cm H: 10cm - Material: PU foam - Age recommendation: For children from 36 months

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