Versendet Bestellungen zwischen 11 und 20 Tagen
100 €
Mehrere Marken gleichzeitig bestellen; Frei-Haus-Grenze ab 300,00 €
We are a small, highly innovative master company from the Allgäu. Sustainable and regional are not empty phrases for us, but daily work. We only use local and regional wood and rely entirely on ecologically sustainable processing. So that our little ones don't miss out, we have now turned our attention to our children, true to our motto "Live to play" - with our new brand Frechling®.
Not only do we work with passion and promise the best price and the best quality, we also focus on the issue of sustainability.
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#kinderspielzeug #auto #waldorfpädagogik #montessori #rennfahrer #kinderzimmer #spielideen #race #kinderentwicklung #neu #frechling #madeforkids #kinderabenteuer #naturholz #kinderzimmerideen #allgäu #nachhaltig #spielplatzfürzuhause #co2neutral #plantfortheplanet #holzkunst #fantasiewelten #lernspielzeug #geschenkideen #fantasie
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