The focus of product development was on the goal of complementary foods that taste as natural as if they were cooked at home. The baby food should also be free of any additives and preservatives. While the legislature provides a positive list of additives that producers are allowed to use as part of the diet regulation, company founder Frank doesn't want to know anything about it: “My son reacted to many conventional products with a skin rash. That's why I didn't want to add any substances to my home-cooked porridge. Why should I do that with an industrial product when there is another way?” What also makes Sprösslinge’s baby food innovative is that fruit and vegetables come exclusively from selected regions in northern Germany and the product packaging uses innovative PVC-free organic lids . Customers can find out directly about the producer farm using a transparency code on the label. Thanks to the regional nature, Frank is also in regular personal contact with his suppliers. "That's very important to me, I want to know the people I work with," he clarifies. “It would also be negligent not to use farmers’ expert knowledge.” "The vision of Sprösslinge is to relieve parents of their child's first year of life. We want to take care of the babies' healthy and environmentally friendly nutrition and thereby give families valuable time," explains co-founder Anne.