Ecocert-certified ecological cleaning concentrate with natural, essential oils, particularly economical, for all smooth, shiny surfaces. Mild, purely vegetable washing raw materials ensure powerful yet skin-friendly cleaning. High-quality essential oils, above all orange oil, optimize the dirt-dissolving power and also have a positive effect on people's mood and state of mind. #haushalt #reinigung #reinigungsmittel #glatt #glänzend #autoreinigung #fliesen #laminat #spiegel #glas #oberflächen #putzen #konzentrat #ergiebig #boden #hautverträglich #abbaubar #allergiker #ätherisch #zerowaste #unpackaged #sustainable #sustainability #ecocert #household #cleaning #cleaningagents #ecological #concentrate #environmentallyfriendly #certified #washing #careproducts #familybusiness #manufacture #refill #nachhaltigkeit #nachhaltig #nachhaltigleben #umweltschutz #vegan #klimaschutz #natur #nature #umweltfreundlich #handmade #regional #umweltbewusst #ökologisch #lesswaste