This ecological, Ecocert-certified dishwashing detergent cleans with the power of purely plant-based detergents and was specially developed to wash up by hand effectively, but at the same time is gentle on the skin. It effortlessly removes dirt and grease residue and ensures a streak-free shine. Due to the special combination of sugar surfactants and natural essential oils, even sensitive people and allergy sufferers can use it to wash dishes without any problems. #geschirr #hand #pH-neutral #seife #hautverträglich #handseife #abwaschen #geschirrwäsche #camping #abbaubar #allergiker #ätherisch #geschirrspülmaschine #zerowaste #unpackaged #sustainable #sustainability #ecocert #household #cleaning #cleaningagents #ecological #concentrate #environmentallyfriendly #certified #washing #careproducts #familybusiness #manufacture #refill #nachhaltigkeit #nachhaltig #nachhaltigleben #umweltschutz #vegan #klimaschutz #natur #nature #umweltfreundlich #handmade #regional #umweltbewusst #ökologisch #lesswaste