Ankorstore /  Kosmetik & Wellness /  JoyBräu Functional Beer DE

JoyBräu Functional Beer DE

Versendet Bestellungen zwischen 3 und 5 Tagen

Mindestbestellwert 100 €

Mehrere Marken gleichzeitig bestellen; Frei-Haus-Grenze ab 300,00 €

  • Gegründet im Jahr 2016
  • Sie finden uns auch hier: EDEKA, REWE, Markant-Industriepartner, Feinkost Vogel,
Instagram joybraeu_de
JoyBräu – The Well-Beering Company!

JoyBräu is the world's first functional beer brand. Unique non-alcoholic vitamin and protein beers with healthy, natural and refreshingly delicious ingredients that taste like real beer, but are also good for the body! The heart of JoyBräu sits in the middle of the Hamburger Schanze. From here we ensure more well-being in retail, in the gym and of course directly at our end customers' homes. We are not only united by our love of sport and beer, but also by the goal of revolutionizing the international beer market in the long term. Whether training together in the JoyBräu-Gym or doing research in our laboratory - we are constantly working on new ideas and recipes for the next beer revolution!

All prices include deposit.

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