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Sie finden uns auch hier:
Wildwuchs Brauwerk produces refreshingly unconventional beers for you in all their original variety of tastes. And as the only brewery in Hamburg that is completely organic!
Our beer is a living product and therefore never quite the same. It brings nature into the city, something “urban wild growth” you could say.
We are Hamburg boys and girls. That's why all of our products grow in our own brewery in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg. All production steps are carried out by us on site. Our beer does not travel long distances, but comes directly to you after bottling without any detours.
Our ingredients come from controlled ecological cultivation. We consciously select our partner companies and visit them regularly so that only high-quality, natural ingredients find their way into our beer. We obtain our hops from the Biohof Friedrich, the malt from Rhön-Malz GmbH, and the water from the Elbe valley. We also experiment with our own hop plants, so we can always look forward to brews with freshly harvested hops!
We obtain 100% of the energy required for brewing from renewable sources via Green Planet Energy.
Enjoy the meal!
#wildwuchsbrauwerk #hamburgsfirstoreganicbrewery #craftbeer #organicbeer #beer #hamburg