Ankorstore /  Roads of Beauty

Roads of Beauty

Versendet Bestellungen zwischen 3 und 5 Tagen

Mindestbestellwert €100

Mehrere Marken gleichzeitig bestellen; Frei-Haus-Grenze ab €300.00

  • Gegründet im Jahr 2022
Roads of Beauty is the Body Skincare brand founded by the female duo Michela & Victoria.

We create highly performing body skincare products that help women feel more comfortable in their skin. Supporting our body skin with natural, vegan and clean products makes our skin healthier and better looking, while dedicating some solo time to appreciate and feel comfortable in our own body.

Why should we focus 99% of our skincare routine on our face, if our body is such a big part of us, and goes through so much everyday?

We want to revolutionize the concept of body skincare routine, launching new products every quarter, making body care a new way of life.

We are on a mission to share our vision and we would love local stores to support us in this journey. Jump on the road with us!
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