Ankorstore /  Essen & Trinken /  HonigBär


Versendet Bestellungen zwischen 6 und 10 Tagen

Mindestbestellwert €100

Mehrere Marken gleichzeitig bestellen; Frei-Haus-Grenze ab €300.00

  • Gegründet im Jahr 2019
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Honey is our life

Welcome to our small beekeeping from the beautiful Altmark. Honey is a fascinating product, healthy yet sweet. But there would be no honey without the busy bees. Our peoples stand around Stendal, the beautiful Hanseatic city in the north of Saxony-Anhalt.

Who are we?

Two crazy people from the Altmark who thought of producing honey and doing something for nature at the same time. Every bee colony helps.

#imkereihonigbaer #honigbaer #HonigBär #stendal #altmark #bee #bees #beekeeping #beekeepersgram #beekeeper #apiary #honey #honeybee #beehive #apiculture #bienen #honig #honigbiene #biene #imker #imkerei #bienenstock #savethebees #organic #nature #carnica #apis #healthy #active
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